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Retrive Hardware Information

To retrieve information on system’s hardware like vendor, manufacturer, product, S/N, etc. the following command can be used:


The dmidecode command reads the information from the system BIOS, see also http://www.nongnu.org/dmidecode/.

There are a few other commands you might want to check out which list installed hardware components:


Beginning with the 2.6 kernel you can get lots of information from /sys. For example, to get information on an Emulex HBA:

# ls /sys/class/scsi_host/host1/
board_mode     lpfc_cr_delay            lpfc_poll             option_rom_version
board_online   lpfc_drvr_version        lpfc_poll_tmo         portnum
cmd_per_lun    lpfc_fcp_class           lpfc_scan_down        proc_name
ctlreg         lpfc_fdmi_on             lpfc_topology         programtype
device         lpfc_hba_queue_depth     lpfc_use_adisc        scan
fwrev          lpfc_link_speed          management_version    serialnum
hdw            lpfc_log_verbose         mbox                  sg_tablesize
host_busy      lpfc_lun_queue_depth     modeldesc             state
info           lpfc_max_luns            modelname             uevent
lpfc_ack0      lpfc_multi_ring_support  nport_evt_cnt         unchecked_isa_dma
lpfc_cr_count  lpfc_nodev_tmo           num_discovered_ports  unique_id


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